Hello everybody, I am 2 weeks old!

I had my  first trip to the park this week. I went for a “stroll” around block and slept through my first outdoor music concert!

I had another doctors visit this week to do my second heel prick test. She was very happy with me and my weight has increased to 7lb 8oz.

Daddy went back to work properly this week so it’s been just mummy and me for a few days which takes some getting used to but we’re getting on ok! I enjoy giving Daddy cuddles and dirty  nappies to change when he gets home!

I received lots of presents from lovely people this week. Thank you all very much! It’s amazing that you can use USA Amazon to send things from the UK, so convenient and no huge postage costs! I even received my first flowers and balloon, Mummy was very excited!

Things I love…

Sleeping- I still love to sleep through the day, but I’m getting more used to sleeping at night too. Despite fighting every night Mummy and Daddy find if they swaddle my legs I settle faster. I scream the house down if they try to swaddle my arms though and I can break out of every swaddle technique/ blanket they’ve tried. My arms will be free in under 2 minutes, I’m like a mini Houdini!

Eating – I’ve eaten a lot this past week, I’ve got much better at it and have gained the right amount of weight so I must be doing something right!

Singing- I particularly like when Mummy and Daddy sing “The Wheels on the Bus” really loudly, it often stops me crying for a minute…they have no idea how silly/out of time/tune their singing is!

Mobile – I’ve just started looking at my mobile, it plays music and has high contrast pattterns to catch my attention.

Buzz Lightyear – I look super cute in my outfit, it suits my favourite pose at the moment…one arm out in the air…I’m Mummy’s favourite Space Ranger!


Things I dislike…

Bath – I’m not a huge fan of the bath yet. Now my belly button clip has fallen off and is healing, I’ll be able to have real baths soon but for now I’m still not keen on being washed!

Being Naked – I still hate being naked even just for a nappy change. Mummy and Daddy cannot get my clothes on fast enough!

Hiccups – Still getting those pesky things at least twice a day.

Other than that I’m a happy baby, I’ve even started practicing my smile!

My funniest moment this week is my sleep dancing… I must be having very vivid dreams because I often wave or punch the air while I’m sleeping. Recently I’ve started throwing all 4 limbs straight up into the air with no warning and wriggling them about just like I’m dancing!






Pink Pear Bear
Cuddle Fairy


17 comments on “I AM 2 WEEKS OLD

  1. Flossie is so cute! Congrats on the birth of such a beautiful little girl. I love the sound of sleep dancing. Claire x


  2. Your daughter is gorgeous, bless her! Congratulations and enjoy the beauty and insanity of parenthood!
    Three cheers for Buzz Lightyear hahaha!!!
    Can I join the sleep dancing party too?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh oh oh just ADORABLE!! She is utterly beautiful. I’m so glad that you’re doing so well, it brings back so many memories. They really do hate being naked don’t they?? Congratulations on your new arrival. I didn’t know that about amazon, isn’t that brilliant? Thanks for linking up with us! #bigpinklink

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Gorgeous!! Well done for posting on your blog with a 2 week old baby! (I didn’t manage it!) mine is now 8 weeks old, it is crazy how fast the time is going and also how you get used to hardly any sleep?! Enjoy those precious warm cuddles xxx #BloggerClubUK


  5. Aw TOO CUTE! I love that she was dancing in her sleep! The bath time and naked thing will go away, I think, my son hated that in the beginning as well but now he loves it!! : ) Such a great update, and good work for writing every week!! I couldn’t manage to do that until three weeks after his birth haha Thanks for sharing with #StayClassy!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is so sweet its amazing how quickly it goes, it sounds like he is doing fantastically well with his feeding and weight gain. Thank you for joining us at #BloggerClubUK hope to see you again this week x

    Liked by 1 person

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